Monday, May 23, 2005

Revenge of LucasArts...

So finally, Star Wars episode 3 is screened. And also, finally, I have watched it.

Not too bad, but nothing fantastic. The transition from Anakin to Darth Vader was pretty smooth though.

Too bad the fighting part could not be the same in games. Then again, I don't think that their fighting parts could have any more messy. Both of them are just waving a glo-stick around for all the wrong reasons, hitting at random intervals.

Then again, how can someone stand the heat of a lava pit...much less fight while standing inches away from it? The heat can be seen when Anny got defeated, with the flames licking his poor body.

So... >_>

Still, it's a pretty decent movie. It ain't gonna win no Oscar, but it does finally conclude the series, in somewhat of a high note.

Too bad Paddy had to die. Her role in the movie was to stay in the same set, bed Anny, kiss Anny, hug Anny....


What a waste....LoL

Song of (whatever) changed to Pure Guardian -Claudia-, from the Romancing Saga -Minstrel Song- Original Soundtrack. A pretty decent soundtrack by Kenji Ito. One of the better GameOSTs since MagnaCarta (Maximum Tune does not count since it's pretty much techno...)


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